Tuesday 11 December 2012

Family Fun Day aka Sunday School Outreach

Family fun day, the outreach the day after the first youth movie marathon. The posters were passed out and it invited the community to come out. It was a outreach to the community but at the same time the Samoan youth stayed and helped and I was very happy to see that. We worked together as the body of Christ.

The event had a bouncy house, which I had to be the mature adult and watch over, popcorn, face painting, cotton candy (candy floss) and sausages. The teen leaders created games for all the kids and I was glad to see them standing up and reaching out. As I was watching over the bouncy house because I signed my name to the person who delivered it. I felt it was my responsibility to watch over it. A few kids got rough and one mother went after them. The tough part was not watching the kids going in but the young teens wanting in.

A rough guesstimation the Church outreach brought in over 100 people from the community. It was good to see so many people from Takanini. After a certain time everyone was brought in and we all watched the play the youth put on. They worked on it Friday night. The theme of the story Noah's ark. The children whom got their faces painted were the animals in the play (it was all the kids). It was a funny to watch and see the kids getting into the story. Some kids it was their first time in Church.

The outreach was successful. It helped people in the community know about the Takanini Church of the Nazarene. A Church that is changing to help the community, to be a missional Church.

Youth Movie Marathon

Movies for me are connecting instruments to a family unit, what I mean by that is that in my own family we used it in that way. We would work on different parts of the farm. Good work. Hard work. When it was time to stop dinner was ready. A nice hearty meal and we would all surround the television set in the living room and watch a movie. I would pick a movie that would be proper to watch with my parents. Something that would draw their attention to the aspects they enjoy in a movie. We would not speak to much but sometimes we would discuss the movie. That aspect of my own life, be it not the best way to bond in a family unit, was a way I used too. Movies meant family time with me.

I opened up the first Youth movie marathon for Takanini. The laptop supplied by someone, the projector supplied by someone else, the movies supplied by one of the youth, and speakers supplied by another youth. The event was bringing both congregations of Takanini together. The youth were excited and wanted to spend time with each other. After each movie would be a game to keep the youth awake all night and into the morning to do a youth outreach.

As Friday 6:30pm came around I got everyone together and started telling them how glad I was to see them and the plan for the night into the next morning. I started with a icebreaker and had one of our Church leaders put a play together with the youth for the coming Sunday, another outreach.

However, the speakers were missing in action. The first movie with little sound found boredom as some went out for food at the save value store across the street. I had to keep a watchful eye on the youth with the help from two amazing ladies from the Church to help me.

Through each game I recognized who were the natural leaders from the group and it was good to see them encourage everyone else. As each game brought out people's personalities I could also see the tiredness in people's eyes. The chairs were converted into beds and slumber claimed several until it was time to wake up once more for the light of the Sun revealed a new day. Some had no sleep including myself...lol. We taught them a devotion, which some did not know what that was. I sent out three groups of teens into the community to put posters of the Church's events in all the mailboxes. They walked like zombies and in groups, it was funny to see.

When everyone got back I done them we are done. Everyone can head home but not a single person stood up. I asked them why is no one moving? I was quickly replied to with the answer that they want to spend more time together have more games and learn more. It was a moment of praise to God in my eyes. We did quizzing on Bible characters and I realized the teens did not know their Bible characters...lol.

It was a great time and the second movie marathon is this Friday night.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

The breath of God -reflection # 5-

I have seen amazing things in my years of existing but also horrors I do not wish to speak of. They have both molded me like the clay I was formed from. Like a clay jar compared to my body it is used to contain waters where my spirit within my clay structure.
Genesis 1:26-27:  26 Then God said, ‘Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.’27 So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
This simple body is in the image of God.
Genesis 2:7:   7then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground,* and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being.
The image of God made from the clay of the ground having God's very breath give us life. The breath of God is the breath of life and the breath of God is the Holy Spirit. The Hebrew word is ruach meaning air in motion or breath or life.In Koine Greek it is called pneuma which means breath or breeze.
So, when we speak our words have power because we speak with God's breath. What a thought.We finite creatures have God's breath within us and when we speak his breath is exhaled. As my own vision is not clear since the day of my head injury that caused my severe headaches I see differently. Like watching a tv channel that has static the pixels are broken up on the screen and so is my view of the world. I imagine that when we speak that breath returns to its owner like a leaf falling to the ground in the fall season but in the opposite direction.
John 3:6-7:  6What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7Do not be astonished that I said to you, “You must be born from above.” 8The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.’
So, in essence we have but a sample of God's breath within us. As the Holy Spirit like the wind goes where it chooses it can allow us to be born again. Like the cup that is full with sin how can the Holy Spirit come into us until we empty that cup so it may be filled by him.
Now image that when we praise or worship together in a Church or a meeting of people groups (Church is not a building but a body of people coming together) and everyone is singing God's praises. Each person singing exhaling praise with God's very breath to return to him whom gave it. I thought about this concept at district assembly as the building was filled and voices from many people groups were singing praises to God how it would look like if I could see the waves of God's breath returning to him with love for him. I imagine each person's had a color design to how they live their life and every color wave interwoven together and like a breeze flowing back to its creator.
That is why it is wise to speak slowly and positive of others for our words have power for within our body is the breath of God.
I thought further about this concept. My death and how my spirit would leave my body behind. The question I asked myself was if God's breath is within me then is it my spirit? I retorted back to myself with slow answer of no. I often find myself having deep conversations...lol. God's breath gives life and continues life for each morning I wake I breath in with God's very breath inside of me. But when my body dies my spirit will leave to be with God and surrounding my spirit would be the essence of God's breath. I picture it like the movies that so often have shown the spiritual bodies of people. But for more effect they give them an aura around them. In the same sense I believe that the when my spirit leaves my body God's breath will surround my spirit like an aura. 
Our words have power. Our words exhale God's breath into the world. God's breath returns to him for what we have spoken be it good or bad. Let us praise Him with His breath given to each of us to life.

Monday 26 November 2012

District Assembly

It is interesting how fast the weather changes in New Zealand. I went for a walk 3 weeks ago into that amazing park I have spoken about before and I chosen to walk on a mountain bike trail. Why not right? Well soon the weather changes and lightening was quite visible as thunder started roaring behind me and I found a little cover from the heavy rain. Under a few little trees I stood waiting for the rain to let up so I could find better cover as an unknown came passing by, I felt it was wise to pop out and tell him I was waiting for rain to stop or else he would think I was waiting for him. I find moments like that laughable. If you can not laugh at a situation in your life that is tough then you will be stressing for the rest of your life. As the rain lightened up I walked to another location only to have the rain come down harder and catch me in it for a few minutes until I found dry spots on the road I was taking and watch the fury of this storm. I was laughing at how I was keeping to the dry spots like I was playing hop-scotch (first I had to spell such a word). I finally got to the playground and question myself while I saw no children. I found cover in the deep trails as the rain continued and hail started to come down. Pea size hail beating down on you does get irritating like a sister constantly poking you in the same spot all the time. I walked the trails in peace and laughter. I was soaked. The rain lightened up so I started my way back to mentor's home and it started up out of spite to see me run until I could not and walk in the heaviest rain and hail of the day. I stopped at a local grocery place for the cover from the rain and waited and as the rain eased I walked the rest of the way without any rain. I got a warm shower and looked outside to see the sun out and bright beautiful day. For some reason I caught a fever and several infections to the loss of my voice to multiple ear aches.

In it all I was getting ready for the district assembly when the Church comes to together to worship and praise God for everything. It is a time where all pastors come together and we get the catch to see each other and talk about what has happened this year in our area. It is an amazing time for fellowship, for renewal, for forgiveness, for compassion, and for praising God. The first day I was there for 13 hours helping where I could and listening to what God is doing in New Zealand and how we need to be there where He is. That day was focused on the children and the youth...the Church's future and how we are teaching and molding them. The night I witnessed my youth group doing the famous Haka (Maori dance of welcoming where proud, bravery, and ferociousness is displaced).
The next day brought with it a carpooling experience because at this time I have already moved from my mentor's home to live with an amazing Korean Pastor and his wife. We listened to what had happened in the year in the district and what changes are coming for the future. I have a great respect for my mentor as his wisdom and experience is something I witness from his actions and his words. If I were a sponge I would absorb it all...(Now I am thinking of spongebob) lol. The night brought with it the focus on how the Church is not a building and how Christians are creating organic churches now. Instead trying to bring the people to the Church, we are bring the Church to the people where they are. I have agreed with this idea for years and it is good to finally see it being discussed and happening.
The next day was Sunday. I was blessed by going to the Samoan congregation, I do not understand what is not in English but my most is understood and clearly God's presence was there. After I was welcomed to eat with them. I found myself immersed into a culture that embraced my presence for the lack of understanding their language. 
I was welcomed and I felt it was good to have a communal meal with pastors and congregation as we discussed topics from theology to marriage. I had to go back to Church for the second service and when I got there I found a text message from that service they went to another change for an earlier service.
It gave me time to work on the community garden. I was taking rotting grass trimmings onto the bed as seeds are already showing growth. I noticed something different. When I had donated rocks I placed around the the first and a little bit around the second bed. Each bed is about 60 feet in length and 4 feet is width, and I realized someone has found our stones to their liking. All the large stones around the bed were gone. I started laughing wondering if the person or persons brought buckets over to pick the rocks up individually. Did he/she or they do it in the light or in the darkness with flashlights? It is laughable.

That night was the end of the district assembly and it was good to see so many people show up to praise and worship together for God. Many came to seek forgiveness and renewal to charge the spiritual battery and tears were seen and crying was heard as God's presence was felt. As the night ended pastors came together for pictures and I found myself among them. It was good to call each of them my brothers.

The lesson to be learned is to take what we are given and when we are tested...laugh. God is always with us and I know He has an amazing humor. Not because he made me...lol. Simply laugh at the situation and then take a deep breath and take one step forward and continue through the test knowing He is right there with you.

Tuesday 13 November 2012


I have noticed my youth have no problem accepting the spiritual realm but however only think about it as another place to go like walking out of a house to go outside. They see no transaction or the reason for believing it is wrong to take one's life. Suicide is unfortunately very high in New Zealand and from talking with youth I can understand somehow they were taught this way. My first step to teach them correctly is bring in ideas they are familiar with such as zombies. Who does not know about zombies? Put your hand down Dave, we talked about it many times. Since 2010 there have been 638 movies made about zombies our world craves the unnatural and spiritual warfare. Here is what I would like to call the zombie rule book of what makes a zombie a zombie:

1)      Zombies are human bodies that died and have come back to life.

2) Zombies only possess basic motor skills.
3) Zombies cannot talk. At best they can communicate like animals through moans and groans.
4)  Zombies have one intention: to eat the living.
5) Zombies are physical
6)  Zombie’s bodies are decaying and rotting.
7) Zombies are not capable of complex thoughts or problem solving skills.

That being said I hope we all can agree upon the basic formula of what makes a zombie a zombie. So let's go further into this out of the 638 movies I have reviewed my personal favorites are:
(Not in any order from best to worst)
1)      Day of the Dead (1985)
2)      28 days later (2002)
3)      Resident Evil (2002)
4)      Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies (2012)
5)      Zombie land (2009)
6)      Shaun of the Dead (2004)
7)      Dawn of the Dead (2004)
8)      Army of Darkness (1993)
9)      Night of the Living Dead (1968)
10)  The Crazies (2010)

  As we have learned through two thousand of years people can take scripture to mean anything they want if they do not read it in the context and the hermeneutic breakdown of its real meaning.
That being said how many Christian denominations are out there currently because people have taken scripture to mean what they want it to mean? Wikipedia tells me all over the world there are around 41,000 different forms of Christianity.
So let's go to some scripture:

Isaiah 26:19-21: Your dead shall live, their corpses shall rise. O dwellers in the dust, wake and sing for joy! For your dew is a radiant dew, and the earth will give birth to those long dead. Come, my people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you;
hide yourselves for a little while until the wrath is past. For the Lord comes out from his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; the earth will disclose the blood shed on it, and will no longer cover its slain.

  That sounds like zombies to me right? People should stay in their homes as the undead come back to punish earth. However, the verse section before this is the judgment on Moab and this section is the lament and reassurance. It is a moment where the wicked people are punished but God's people have been given a promise for a resurrection to a new life. They must be patient a little longer, until God's judgment comes. After the verses spoken of pass it leads to God's redemption of Israel. Therefore, punishment of the Israel's enemies and punishment on the wicked people in Israel then a new life comes after God's judgement and Israel is restored.

I could continue through different verses of scripture and take them out of their context to mean almost anything I can think about. But if I apply contextualized hermeneutic tools and understanding of the scriptures then I will learn what it is really telling me. To take the zombie out of the equation entirely let's visit
1 Corinthians 15:35-57   (that discusses our two bodies)
The first body is the physical body, made from the dust as they will return to the dust. The second one is the spiritual one similar to Jesus' body after the resurrection. Able to eat but at the same time walk through walls. 
let's see from verse 50 to 57:
 50 What I am saying, brothers and sisters, is this: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Listen, I will tell you a mystery! We will not all die, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.
For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For this perishable body must put on imperishability, and this mortal body must put on immortality. When this perishable body puts on imperishability, and this mortal body puts on immortality, then the saying that is written will be fulfilled: ‘Death has been swallowed up in victory.’ ‘Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?’ The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

So, when we pass from this existence our second body is given to us made imperishable and immortal. Zombies are not being raised up from the ground to kill the living that Hollywood has illustrated since the 60's. We are given this spiritual body that God has designed for us and won by Jesus Christ. We are the children of God given the promise of resurrection in a new life. Amen.


Monday 12 November 2012

Workshop day

It is great to come up with an idea and tell two congregations this is what we are doing. Its another thing if they show help out. lol. A week ago, I created a poster "Free Workshop to learn to create your own compost, worm bed, and seed the community garden" I said "all are welcome". I invited my guest speaker Dave Avery back again for this event. But in the confusion I was not sure if he responded back to me if he will be there. I woke up this past Saturday November 10th and left from my Mentor's house to be at Takanini Church and prep everything to be ready. I wrote on the poster the event will start at 9:00am. I got there at 8:15am to get everything ready. I bought some baked goods from across the street what they call a hot dog. It tastes good and is baked with a bread wrapped around it with cheeses on top. I remember the food...lol.
I waited...8:30am passes by and I start to worry about my speaker so I start reading up on paperwork I was given by Dave at an earlier time. Just in case if I needed to be the teacher. 9:00am comes and there is a eerie silence. The vehicles are passing by as they often do on a busy street but I was there alone. No one was there but me. It reminded me of Cleveland, Ohio again. I prayed for wisdom and patience. At 9:05am I see a shadow, as my mind works with movies I immediately about the movie called the "the Shadow" the one phrase I remember is when the shadow learned something he already knew you would hear, "the shadow knows...ha ha ha ha ha (a hard almost evil laugh)" As the shadow drew closer to me I could hear that phrase in my head and I started laughing out loud like the shadow....lol.
As the shadow formed in my sight it was Dave Avery. He showed and I was pleasantly surprised. He looked around and asked, "Is anyone coming?" I told him no worries they will show. As we started talking Pastor Kili from the Samoan service pulled up and dropped three youths and told me he was going to find some more. I was happy to hear the news that He was here and helping me find people to learn about their community garden. At 9:30am another vehicle pulled up with Kent my youth leader of the Maori service and a few of his family. But when I turned around they and their vehicle was gone. Did I just imagine it was here? I thought to myself. At 10:00am they showed back up telling me they went to driver's father's place looking for grass trimmings but found none. I told them that is ok earlier in the week I mower the grass at my Mentor's place and kept the trimmings as well as my hair, I felt was time to leave me, was all collected and waiting. At 10:15am a few vehicles pull in and soon many Samoan youth and Maori youth are standing together listening to Dave as he teaches them about the garden. I was happy to see two congregations learning about their garden and excited to do the work. At one point lawn mowers were bought out and both youth groups worked together cutting the tall grass on the property and collected its trimmings next to the compost Dave showed us how to start. He gave us tiger worms for our compost, small but always hungry.
As the day went on the ladies came and some practiced for their Sunday service while others cooked for our lunch. I had two sausages with the sweet ketchup here and it was good. I sat down with some of the Samoans and soon I was gave noodles in a bowel. I asked why and in their reply because you are a pastor. I thanked them as I did not read the outside label and my lips and tongue were burning as the juices were full of spices. Spices and me are not good friends, they turn my face a bright red....lol.
The garden activities were done and the Church property was clean. Now we needed to clean the inside, I took it upon myself to have my youth clean out the board room and move things around to use the shelves of the unused room for storage in a couple of weeks for a food pantry for the community. The extra space can be used for the children ministry on a rainy day.
The day turned out better then I expected and I was so glad to see Samoans and Maori learning, working, and eating together.

Friday 2 November 2012

Reflection #4

I was thinking and often when I do I start driving deeper into the thoughts that are already there. I thought about a idea in my head that I have spoken about many times before. God gives us freedom but remains in control. How is that possible right? When I was younger my parents had me going to a Church that believed in predestination. The idea that God has planned out everything for you and what you are doing is planned by Him. If that were the case then why have Adam and Eve break away from Him in their immature finite existence. If that is the case why even bring His son to our existence?
In the same sense of how can I with my finite mind even glimpse into the reality of God's thoughts.
The moment I wake I am allowed to breath. That breath is not mine to claim but it is God's breath giving me life. The first decision comes to stay in bed or get up. The next choice is to get dressed. The next a shower. The next my hair and teeth. The next the proper clothes to wear for the day. The next devotion. Then the day continues as my choices lead me to many places. By writing out the different choices I make in just a minutes I am also going to use them as the example of God's freedom.

I am created by God. But I am not a robot. I am capable of of sincere love for God. In my perspective I can buy a toy robot and have it do everything I want and it can walk close to me with its arms extended similar to a hug. But it is only artificial love. God has given humanity freedom and with that came choice. The decision to choose from the light or the dark, or inside instead of being outside. By giving us choice we are complex finite creatures capable of sincere love in a life filled with diversity. God loves diversity. In the sight of New Zealand landscape it can be seen of the hills, mountains, forests, the many different kinds of birds and their many types of colors. I could go into the sea and find live filled with diversity from the fish to the plants. What the human race? We are diverse in our tribes, nations, and tongues. We are diverse in many cultures we create to bring together a people group.

Which brings me back to my thought of God's freedom for us to choice but still remaining in control. As each choice I wrote above there is always a different or many different decisions that could have taken place. Take for example a path that is walkable with each choice I have and choose another pathway I create. Each choose I make I create another pathway, another ripple effecting my surrounding and those individuals of their pathways. Each choice a free decision to make. God knows all these trillions of choices per person but allows the freedom for us to choose always reminding us of the main pathway to Him.

Take another example on the visual appearance of a green leaf. One main line from stem to the end of the leaf but many different branches reaching out the extent of that leaf, each branch a choice leading further out but remaining how God has intended its design. Similar to the leaf there is one main pathway but few ever choose it.

Freedom in our choices allows us the ability to love with sincerity to our Father. Each choice we make ripples in the pond of those around us. Our choice effects others and by doing many can be lead on different paths. Therefore, it is theme through out the Bible for a community of believers. A community with freedom to choose to worship and praise together in diversity of our creation in the acknowledgment of our finite minds can conceive. 

I hope I have not confused you to much...:)

A walk into the past of New Zealand

This past Thursday I was given the chance to go on a trip with my mentor and fellow 365M students from Nazarene Theological Seminary. We meet each other Wednesday night and it was good to see each other again. We were allowed to go to a Bible study and listen to the sermon "When life hurts there is hope". I could have spoken up about my own life and say there is hope. However, there is wisdom in being an observer and simply listening to where the discussion goes and who are the speakers. Knowledge is power. The Bible study concluded and one fellow student told me one of the ladies asked them if I was a real life hobbit....lol.
The next day came and through a warm shower to wake me up and my devotions to feed me I was ready for the day to begin. As three students including myself, which most of the time I sat in the middle, in the back seat we were off to visit the places of history in New Zealand. The drive to each location was not long but the length of my legs did not agree. We arrived to our first location seeking a ferry across the bay of islands. It was nice to be on a ferry and smell the water and feel the wind brushing against my face. We arrived in Russell and visited the oldest Church in New Zealand. The first time to visit us was the graveyard as we found Maori and Pakeha (Non-Maori) lay next to each other in this scared place. The Church was small but plagues on its walls told of its history in remembering those who fell in war. It was sad to see the graves of five year olds and yet romantic to see a husband and wife buried with each other. I guess I am a hopeless romantic. We walked through Russell and found ourselves back on the ferry. I sat on the top of the boat and imagined from the pages of "The Bible & Treaty" by Keith Newman how hundreds of European ships sat in this bay.
We visited Waitangi where the treaty took place. What treaty? The treaty that allowed NZ to be governed by British rule while the Maori people were allowed their independence and were able to keep their land and all their treasures. We watch a movie explaining the treaty and how without it the Maori people would have faded into the history books. However, the movie never mentioned how essential the Missionaries were in the treaty. We saw Maori war canoes and Thomas Hobbs home. I could see the steps I have taken were steps taken by millions of others. I was not alone. My camera flashed many times taking in what words could not express in the lands beauty, history, and peace.
We visited several locations during the day but the important one to me was visiting Marsden's cross. I felt the drive there we were about drive off the road and into the sea. The walk showed how unkempt the location was and it was sad. This cross symbolized the first location in NZ where the Gospel was preached on Christmas day in 1814. The first location where Christianity was opened to be spoken on NZ land. It was not the European influence but the Maori Chief that wanted it to happen.
It was good to stand beside this memorial and look out to the bay of islands and imagine how many war canoes and European boats were pushed to the shore and how everyone was together to hear the word of God.
I am glad I was allowed to be given the insight into the history of NZ. I will admit the drive seemed to unwind my personality as I was the most spoken person out of five people. But my headaches rolled me in and reminded me when my word limit was met and every word after would cost me in pain. Oh headaches you are thorn in my side and I know you are smiling about that. You are like a neighbor I can not stand but somehow always has a key to my home and comes down any time you want.
Overall, the trip was amazing and I saw so many beautiful landscapes of NZ and I saw the locations of history. It was fun hanging out with the rest of the 365M students.

Monday 29 October 2012

The Community Garden

In my head I saw many different possibilities like how I speak, I will think about what to say and sometimes play out a person's response as well. In the same aspect I saw different ways October 27th from 9:00am to 4:00pm may have gone from the best result to the worst result. 

The worst result was one I was familiar with from my experience in Cleveland, Ohio when I was put in charge of painting two homes for single mothers who were ill. I was given a due date of two weeks and no resources as the leader Pastor expected me to fail (a different story for another time). I called twelve Churches for helping me paint the second home and I had all the supplies and the paint. The first day no one showed up and I worked on the house myself scraping the exterior from top to bottom and sometimes on ladders as high as 75 feet. I finished the day and prayed for assistance to come and help me do this. The next day a co-workers friend showed up saw the project helped me move one ladder and told me he could sweep a broom and get paid the same amount from the city and walked away. I prayed again and an hour later a man past by and asked me if I was pastor he heard about trying to paint homes. I answered yes. He smiled and told me he is also a Pastor but Baptist and has many homeless around his Church. As we talked we created a homeless ministry, they were sent to me to work and what hours they did they got paid by him. I became the lead project manger and got the chance to know each of them well.
However, that Saturday of the 27th I arrived early and pulled the carpet from the section I designed to be the best area for the garden and got everything prepped. I waited...
Then the first vehicle showed up with some of my youth but no tools, then Dave pulled up in his van with tools and a mind to teach us what we need to do. As the hour passed we had eight vehicles and over 10 youth and four adults working on the site. I was happy not to the only one this time. But what really mattered was seeing the youth doing work that they were not getting anything for and the Pastor of the Church excited to see step one of the garden being done and realizing the potential. With Dave's help and teaching dialogue each of us learned from him and his years of experience. I was burned again over the course of time on my face, around my neck, and forearms. My mentor's wife saw me and told me I looked like a lobster and I am sure she was right. It has been three days and my face is still red in parts.
Praise God for the timing and the help of those who see the potential of what a community garden can do for Takanini. Step one complete.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Samoan Youth Camp

Before I begin to tell you of the experience I have had from being invited to be with the Samoan youth camp and be the Saturday night guest speaker. I will tell you, if you have not figured out from my previous posts, I walk a different path then most people and think deeply about many things people simply walk past and never see. When people look straight and see nothing else I see past the tunnel vision and look around and walk else where. I am no one special nor am I normal in any sense of the word. In all reality, the definition of normal does not even apply to the last three generations. I am who God has molded me to be.
Saturday, October 20th I arrived at the Marae in Otara where Samoans have gathered for to teach and open their children's minds to God's purpose. There were around 60 to 80 youth there from the ages of 10 to their early 20's. Because the location is a Marae it is a scared location by the Maori people and when entering the big house all shoes must be kept outside. The youth were accompanied by elders of the Church, as is their culture applies to keeping their language and their high respect with in their families. They are a proud people group. So, being the only person that knew English and no Samoan language I sometimes found translators or I watch body language to tell me the story. I got the chance to sit down with each Pastor and know him and his thoughts in theology. I sat down with several youth I knew from other services and talked with them and their thoughts. When entering the congregation I was given the honor to sit with the Pastors ahead of everyone. Unfortunately that was near the music of drums, guitar, piano, and chorus and my headaches did not love me one bit. Soon the service was over and my ears were ringing but I loved the rhythm and loved the harmony, we all took a break for tea. I assumed tea meant tea. Tea means in New Zealand another meal with tea. I observed others and watched their body language and learned that Pastors enter and sit down and other people bring food and rinks to them. I was taken back by this and tried to show my respect to both sides the Pastors and those who gave me my food. Once I was done with one plate I pushed it away another plate was being offered and they take it as an insult if you do not accept it.
 To say the least I have never eaten so much since I have been in New Zealand. New and different foods but each had its flavor and tasted good in its designed context.  The committee host found me and we discussed my experience with youth and soon I helped create games. However, my face got really burned I guess having Irish in me does not help my skin against the sun...lol
My turn to speak and I started with an ice-breaker the game called, 'I have never'. I made all the youth come forward and create a large circle pushing everyone else back. In this game one person tells one thing they have never done and if anyone who is sitting down has done that thing they need to change their seat. The person with no chair will speak about something they have never done. I was working fine but many of the youth I believe did not understand the idea or did not want to show what they have done. After the ice-breaker I asked the youth to bring their chairs closer in and tighten the circle. Now I had all the youth surrounding me and everyone else behind us. I asked two questions...
1) What is one thing you are scared of?
Many said it was snakes and spiders while 4 or so men said they fear nothing. I added to it a fear of mine was to lose my senses.
2) What is your idea of heaven?
Happiness, no pain, white clothes, angels, etc..
I changed the motion as I communicated with them that my fear became my reality and gave them my testimony about my headaches. Asking them to imagine unable to speak or move because both cause vibrations that cause headaches to worsen. Imagine wanting to scream from the constant drilling inside your mind but know you can not because it will only hurt you more so you are trapped in your body like a prison cell and the only way to communicate your pain is through tears. How do you think you would feel when no one can help you? (I choose at this moment to spare the rest of my testimony, if you want to know please ask)
My testimony changed into Christian living and how scripture teaches us to be gentle, humble, patient, unity in spirit, seeking the will of God, and be not conformed to the world but transform it as we are each ambassadors of Christ.
After I finished my sermon a few Pastors told me they liked my style and my words and one wants me to preach at his Church later some time. I was allowed to sleep in the Marae with all the youth and some adults I was placed on the ladies side but sleep did not come to me. The youth did not find slumber till 12:00am but the heavy breathing was like being on a safari. I believe in it all I had a hour of sleep. The next day brought Sunday service and a Baptism service scheduled for 4 people. God's presence was there and He flowed into that room and soon 4 became 26. Praise be to God where all boasting belongs and glory is deserved. 
Sunday night I slept in the vehicle I was given by my mentor and I got a few hours of sleep in there but when I past by the Marae I could still hear the echos of the heavy breathing (aka snoring).
Monday brought with it exhaustion and the youth were sad their time was over with new friends. I stayed until the last ceremony and left for sleep but found Sarah (365m student). We discussed our different experiences over the weekend and soon we separated like two passing cars. I took a shower to keep me wake and headed back out to teach English to two Vietnamese families. I arrived and no one was there but I was lead across the other side and started a conversation with Ben and his wife and we talked for 2 hours. God leads me to many places.

Monday 22 October 2012

Engage Magazine

Missionary profile: Adam Barton | engagemagazine.com
Editor's note: Missionary profiles are an ongoing feature in Engagemagazine in which we spend a little time with a Nazarene missionary individual or family each week to 
 I could copy and paste everything but it is better to see the magazine as it is in its whole instead of me tearing a piece for my collection. I hope you like what I wrote.

Thursday 18 October 2012

White Sunday

I had the honor of being invited to the Samoan 'white' Sunday service. Where the children do the entire service. It was good to see and hear the children singing, saying their memory verses, praising, and loving our Father. I enjoyed my time there and I am glad I came because it was a blessing. I love children they always teaching me.

Monday 15 October 2012

A Journey in God's direction

I arrived at the Takanini Church. Observed the people who walk past the Church in their routine and established my direction. But in beginning my prayer walk that day I was lead in a different direction. I ended up visiting the police station and talking to the gentleman there as he knew me as, "The Pastor down the road". I acknowledged any references to the title and to the location of the Church. Soon, I was walking again and as I turned the corner I saw organized chaos. A flood of children on the sidewalks coming at me, like a comedy of someone who can not get out of the way of a steamroller. I felt like the one fish that refused to swim with the others down stream. I have my direction and yet in this flood of innocence it was interesting to see the bonds. Certain children connected as they ran towards the playground while others found snacks to fill their mouths from the over crowding of the Dairy store. Some yelled for their friends to wait for them and some walked hand to hand. As I swam through the flood of children I finally got to the corner and I was free. I was walking again and suddenly I heard, "Yeah Pastor!"
I turned to see Dave, whom I have not seen for a few weeks now, as he stood at his front door. I walked over and greeted him and welcomed me inside his home. There I met his cousin and we began to discuss many things as they played a video game. The questions of why I am here, the events planned by the Church, the future events for the next year, and then it came to my faith. "Which god do you worship?" I answered, "I worship God the Father, creator of heaven and the earth. I worship His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit...the Trinity". Dave retorts, "The Trinity?". Dave's cousin asked, "who is Jesus?...oh is he the guy who was like..." As he extends his arms as if on the cross to show me what he can not say in words. I acknowledge it but a great pause comes. The silence of three thinking minds and little ventilation could have caused the house to become inflamed. Dave gets close in his couch to me maybe a few inches from my face and asks, "Are you on a mission from God?" I paused to think of rewording his question and looked from his expression to see he was serious. I answered, "Yes".
We talked for 2 hours and soon I saw it was time for me to leave when the question was asked, "What kind of Pastor are you? Are you the kind that smokes weed?" I smirked. "No, I do not smoke weed, I do not drink, nor do I do any drugs". I realized the smell I could not identify was the smell I knew from walking past drug houses in Cleveland, Ohio. I stood and told them it is time I continue my walk and shook their hands in my departing and walked back into the light of the sun.
Tonight, was my first night of teaching English to two Vietnamese families. The first home the woman is to sick to learn so I ask my readers to keep her in your prayers. The second a young single mother of three. I sit on her couch waiting to start the class as her adorable 6 year old climbs all over me. She tells me, "I want a new daddy". I answered without breaking up laughing "well that is good to know".  As the night progressed the little girl stayed all over me and ended up falling asleep in my lap. It gave me a feeling of how it will be with my own kids. After the class was done I was welcomed to eat with them, an honor I took in a humble manner.
I left their home and walked to the Church to jump into my vehicle and head back to my mentor's home. But the lights were on in the Church. I open the door and the Samoan leaders welcome me in with food and soda. A time of good discussion and filled laughter I found 3 hours went by and I was still talking about my experiences in ministry. As the women started turning the lights off we understood it was time to finish our conversation. I walk back outside and it was dark out and the temperature had changed. I have been gone for over 8 hours and each direction I wanted to take lead me in another location where I was needed.That day was a long day but that day was a blessing to be used in God's ministry. Amen.   

Friday 12 October 2012

Reflection #3

Today is filled with rain and strong winds that would make me feel like a kite with the hope that the string I am attached will not break. But the other day, a few days back I went for a walk through the park. I observed and watched people's interactions. I entered the walk with a heavy coat on because here spring was close to ending but till it does the weather springs up differently all the time. The meaning of having four seasons in one day. I have adapted to the weather by wearing layers of clothing. On my walk I could hear water falling, you can hear the rushing water the distance from the gap of the top to the bottom. I finally caught a glimpse of it and watched. I soon continued on as my eyes caught the same stream flowing through the park. I walked through a playground and found a trail leading me to the stream once more. I came to a small bridge and saw a boy throwing rocks in the stream to watch them splash.
I watched the water and it came to me today in my time to reflection of that symbolism.
Take the example of your life being a mess and no clarity can be found. It feels like the world is against you and chaos has been your new best friend. I saw into that stream an answer into my own clarity. I saw how the water was clear and focused but when the mud was stirred the water can not be seen through any longer. The bad things of the world are creating the mess. But by separating or allowing the mud to settle can the water be clear. A concept of a mediating moment, water can not be clear unless the mud settles on the bottom. Therefore, in our own lives the mess needs to be put down so one can see the clarity in their direction.
I thought about this concept for a little longer as many times water has been a gateway into the insights of my mind. I thought about a person's spiritual life not being clear and then I thought about water. I watched the boy drop the rock into the flowing waters and still saw chaos. A pebble can cause a ripple effect on the surface of the water. The surface of the water representing one's spiritual life can be active and going going going but never stopping to see where God wants you. But if the person stops, waits, and listens they will see the ripple calm and the water begin to reflect the world. The clarity is restored.
Both thoughts one of chaos and one of activities that can cause a person's life to be crazy. However, with patience comes focus and we can see better the action's of God. Letting the mud settle or the ripple calm comes with patience and prayer and the affect is maturity in knowing God is in control.
My friend Dave and I years ago spoke of 'the pool theory' I formulated as he cultivated the idea of writing a book on the subject of God's guidance in Christian relationships. One of these days I will talk about it but for now. Take a deep breath and learn patience (remember to exhale).

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Samoan Youth

It was a long day yesterday. A Pastor's prayer meeting and then prayer walking the streets of Takanini. I was walking through the little playground and heard, "Yeah you a Pastor right?" I turn around and see three young boys as they asked me about the possibilities of starting a rugby team for the community. I responded back, "its in the works". We talked for about 15 minutes and I continued on my walk. I came across Doug, a 85 year old, man in a wheelchair. He stays at the local retirement home, where in his words people love breathing each others fumes. He likes being outside and finding good conversation, it was the reason I was walking too. We talked for an hour as He told me about his current life and what he does on a routine because he likes his tea time. I enjoyed his conversation.
Soon it was time for me to preach to a Samoan Church service. I started off with telling them about family and God's promise to humanity. I told them the first time I went to Cleveland, Ohio I worked for a Urban Resource center and after having me meet everyone they pointed out on the sidewalk and told me just yesterday a 17 year old lost his life there. A gang member was shot there. 17 years old teenager, had so much potential and so much possibilities in life. He must have sought for a family, for a father to be with him. A father to give him attention and be the one that helps him up after he makes mistakes. But he lost his life because he sought the wrong family to invest his worth into.
I never met that young man but I stood there on that spot where he fell and I wondered if anyone missed him. A day after his living existence ended he still had an affect on the living... with me. I wish I could say he was the last but through meeting the youth often one day would be a good conversation and maybe a smile as we laughed. But the next day that face would fade from existence like so many others I met over the years. Instead of Greek mythology of the river of faces, my mind's eye saw a wall of faces with no names. People I knew, kids I laughed with and played basketball with (horribly because of my height)  but faces lost in our reality. The friend I knew and the next day gone, it was often the case as shots rang out in usually at 4:00am all the time. But there is hope. There is God's promise all are welcome into the kingdom but through Jesus Christ. After my sermon was translated each family got on their knees and we prayed over them. and soon the last person was myself as I felt hands upon my shoulders and words I did not understand but knew God's prayer. At the same time a 1 maybe 2 year old felt it was his challenge to climb over the kneeling bench and kept knocking into me as I was being prayed over. It reminded me as I spoke about the 17 year old and his influence on me, here before me was life and all its potential in the eyes of a child.
Praise and Glory to God for the insights he continuously gives to me.
Life is fragile and filled with love and we can not have tunnel vision on the job, on the next paycheck, on the next fix, but with family. The family we have been born into and the family we have in Church. Living life each day is a blessing when you understand good moments are treasures if your eyes are open.

Monday 8 October 2012

Reflection #2

How are you?

A simple question that can open up an intentional relationship connection. A simple question to answer honestly and truthfully for the person who is asking to be allowed to enter into our world. Our worries, thoughts, complaints, issues, and heart aches.

How are you?

A simple question to ask someone walking past us. But do we give them time? How often is the question asked but the person who is asking is not listening for the answer. We have a class to get too. We need to make that appointment. We need to get home to watch my favorite show. How often are those simple words used for greeting as a hallow reply is given, so both people may continue on. I am well. I am good. I can not complain.

How are you?

A simple question to ask a stranger walking by. How often is the question asked and we do not stop walking to wait but to continue walking hoping the reply will find us a few feet away because we are in a hurry. Thus, we are telling people we do not have time for you. You are not important enough for me to stop. You hold no value to me. You are someone I don't even know and I can not remember your name but I will greet you and keep walking on my path.

How are you?

A simple question to ask anyone who walks past you. How often is the question asked and no eye contact is given. we are telling that person I am here but my eyes are facing the direction I want to go. We are given off non-verbally that we have no time for you. If my eyes can not connect with yours and focus on you I have better things to do.

How are you?

A simple question to ask a person who can become a friend. How often do we ask the question but our feet are pointed in another direction. A non-verbal signal that I have no time for you. My feet are pointed where my focus is and you are not my focus. Not to seem publicly pious to everyone or anyone we meet, nor to publicly display the fact we are moving our feet to point at you as if I have size 15 shoes on.

How are you?

A simple question to make the point you are important to me. You are valued by me. As my eyes connect and my feet point in your direction. I am waiting for your reply to know you better and all you need to do is answer honestly. How often are these words spoken from your lips and your direction is not on that person you have come across. The conversation could take time to create a friendship, have a good bond, or even save that person's soul or even body. Take the thought that because you stopped your day and your focus and turned to a person and non-verbal said, "You are image of God, you are a treasure and you are valued by me". You may have stopped that person from having a car accident if they would have continued on their path.

I am remember my days at Harford Community College going for my AA degree and I was tired and I just finished a class. I got to my vehicle and heard, "Adam....Adam....Yeah can you help me?" There before me was my best friend Dave. H e was rushed to find anyone and find me in the parking lot about to head home. Before I replied he told me the reason, "I need a ride home and I can not get a taxi and everyone else can not pick me up". Dave is limited in ability to drive due to his wheelchair but make no mistake he can anything he puts his mind too and most times better then me. I retorted back, "Dave, I am heading home. I am bushed". But through His charm and pleading I accepted the honor of driving the opposite direction. After laughing about our day and getting his wheelchair set up I realized my right front tire. We both were looking in disbelief. Three of the four bolts holding the tire to my vehicle were gone and the fourth one was about to break. If I would have drove 30 minutes to get home I would have had an accident and maybe lost my life depending on how fast I would be driving. But instead I stopped and focused on Dave and drove 2 minutes to his house it may have saved a life or two. Thanks Dave (as I jokingly think you sawed my bolts off)

My question to you....How are you?

Friday 5 October 2012

Youth Group

I sat down with my youth group and asked four questions.
1) Your Name
2) Your favorite dessert
3)Your favorite video game
4) Any two super-powers what would they be?

I answered because I came up with the questions so it was only fair.
Pastor Adam
Peanut Butter Milkshake
The ability to heal people with a touch and the ability to read people's minds.

My youth group answered me in many different ways but a common theme was found. On a psychological level there were three common cores. Sugary goodness, shooting games, and invisibility; these elements revealed a group that needs to acknowledge the power within themselves. They can transform a community. They can show a servant's action. They can speak openly with no fear of action. They can be work and see results of God's gifts He has bestowed upon them.

The Bible lesson was simple understanding in our confusion God has a direction but even if we do not follow He will still love deeply His children.
God's love

Last night was a good night to see into my youth group's eyes and see their potential for greatness.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Children experience

Since I have been here I have had many experiences with the kids. One i was interested by was when I was sitting down to eat after Church. I had my food and I had a soda (which is called a soft drink). I was sitting next to a little boy. 3 or 4 year old Maori short black hair with blue jeans and a button down blue shirt, he was quiet as I sat down next to him. I took a drink of my soda and sat it down and then heard, like a whisper, "Can I try?"
I responded hesitantly, "Suuuuurrrrreee" and gave him my drink. He sipped the bottle and gave it back to me. I was OK. Well its time to continue with my meal. Then suddenly a little hand flies through the air connected to an arm then a shoulder then the upper half of the boy. He leaped towards the drink for the taste of the soda must have been like ambrosia from the Greek gods. He grabbed the soda bottle and hugged it as if it were a treasure he just found. His lips began to change colors to the flavored soda and soon by the novice of his ability in understanding to sip had left his mind he would put the whole mouth of the bottle in his and tipped back. The soda seemed like it was sprinkling on a cool spring day watching a shower from the porch while enjoying the nice breezes. The soda rained down on the boy  and changed the blue shirt to a wet dark blue. He pulled the bottle away from himself and looked down at the shirt and back to me as I had did it to him. I smiled, laughing on the inside. But his mind now knew the taste of ambrosia on his lips and soon the bottle continued to be at his lips until it was empty. I wanted more and I had no more to give. He decided to sit by his buddies and left my acquaintance for a better environment.
My 365M buddy Jenna got me a soda, the boy saw a new soda in my hand and charged over running underneath the table and looking up at me with his hands reached out. I held my index finger up and told him hold on as I drink the soda under. Jenna told me the boy's eyes widened and his mouth jawed open in disbelief of the soda disappearing. He turned and ran back to his food as if the last few seconds did not happen... I love children.
Yesterday I was working on my term paper and kids came in with their mothers for a ladies bible study. They kids were bored and lego's sat next to them. I said, "Play with the Lego's, you can make anything with them".
The kids were in disbelief telling they can not make anything out of Lego's. I replied back to them, "where is your imagination?" I stopped my paperwork and got down on the floor and started to show them and suddenly they were enjoying themselves. They loved playing with Lego's and building a house. I was called out from kid's play to help chainsaw. There I met a young man a sophomore in high school and we talked while gathered the wood. Video games was the relational point in the conversation. I worked with him chainsawing until we had no more (2 hours). They kids would come out to watch and were excited to see such a machine....I love children.
I have been doing children ministries since 2000 from rural, to suburban, to urban environments and I learned how to teach is different for understanding their life. The three ways of teaching children, visible, engaging, and hearing. The lesson maybe the same but the way one teaches it is always different to the life they are living......I love children. (I have hundreds of stories from the kids I have learned from)

Someday i may have children of my own with the hope of being a great father to them.      

Monday 1 October 2012

Reflection #1

Today I woke and my conscious thought was to breath in. Was i not breathing while sleeping, of course I was or else I would be here. I realized I was breathing in that moment I woke. A breath that is not mine but the very breath of God resting inside me, in everyone. In my routine of life I saw someone in the corner of my eye. Was I about wake up in a defense of who this is as he stood there staring back at me? I turned to see him and he said nothing. I walked closer as he drew closer to me. I did not raise my arm up to attack or defend for it was a man I have seen before. His eyes glared at me as if he sought to understand why I was there as I stared back at him wondering if I should ask him why he was here. Past the hair on his body, the skin covering his muscles and bones I saw deeper through his eyes like a tunnel I have known before. The tunnel lead me through a hall way dark but lined with multicolored flooring. It did not interest me to much as the light at the end was bright and warm. I could feel the warmth like sitting next to a fireplace and roasting my clothes as I sit near it. It was warm and inviting but also familiar. The light was behind a door, the door was simple all wood bu the metal nob. The door nob looked of gold but tarnished, which was odd to me as the brilliance behind the door hurt my eyes. I began to twist the nob and I was thrown backwards through the tunnel and out of this ma's eyes to realize I was staring at me and he was staring at himself. Time has past by as the flesh has aged and the shape of the body has followed but inside through the eyes was the same.
What a day to see one's self and build upon the concept of the body being an encasement of the soul. Such a thing that can not be seen or measured by science but created by God, each one of us designed differently and rare.
God loves diversity.

Sunday 30 September 2012

Question of the day

I was sent a question by a friend for a simple definition or understanding of entire sanctification. How simple can a person be with such a deep compacted term?

As most of my friends know I am a movie buff from action, drama, thriller, comedy, anime, cartoons, etc... (To those who know this movie better then I do, forgive my paraphrasing) I remember a scene from the movie, "2012" where the young Monk is asking his wise elder and teacher to know what to believe. The wise teacher begins to pour tea and allows it to overflow, the young monk puts his hand over the cup to stop him. The wise teacher asks him how do you know the truth if your cup is full? As he empties the cup he looks at the young monk and tells him "now there is room".

In the same concept, how can the Holy Spirit come upon a body filled with self centeredness, egocentric,strong willed, greedy, etc...? I asked my mentor and he give me the illusion of the individual driving a vehicle and having God in the passenger seat. Keeping God close so that person can use Him as their personal servant. I am hitting a tough spot in my life God I need you now. The process begins in that individual's life when they give up those deeds and characteristics of being in control and selfishness and gets out of the driver's seat and down on their knees to be God's servant.

I once read an account of a similar process as a simple walk. In this walk or journey the person sees a cabin. It is warm and inviting, the person notices many other people walking past this cabin as if it were invisible to their perception. A humble person can see this cabin. The person walks on the porch in this process understanding their living in sin and Jesus Christ has atoned for their sins. The person fills warm compared to how it felt on the road. Never knowing the difference until walking where only a few have journeyed. The person twists the nob of the door understanding justification an act of forgiving sins. The person pulls the door towards them, a personalized action, in the belief of being an repentant believer (regeneration). The door is fully open and the brilliance of God radiates outwards as God's gracious gift of adoption becoming a child of God. The person has never experienced anything like this in their life. The life changing process of bad thoughts, and selfish characteristics are cleaned away. As the person walks inside that cabin craving to be closer to the brilliance of God they enter into Christian holiness (entire sanctification). It does not make them prefect for only Jesus Christ filled those shoes but the aim of a Christlike servant making the journey towards God.

Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me".


Saturday 29 September 2012

Onwards to Hamilton

As the journey continues, friends we have left our main character in entanglements of his reflecting thoughts and dark alleyways. He has found his self, which is good because anyone who loses their self is a person who is seeking meaning. He is traveling down to Hamilton, New Zealand.  

Auckland's Park

God has gifted me with a location near a park that is suppose to be 500 acres. I have been through a few locations and to its botanic gardens. I also have pictures of these in my profile. Let me know what you think.