Monday 8 October 2012

Reflection #2

How are you?

A simple question that can open up an intentional relationship connection. A simple question to answer honestly and truthfully for the person who is asking to be allowed to enter into our world. Our worries, thoughts, complaints, issues, and heart aches.

How are you?

A simple question to ask someone walking past us. But do we give them time? How often is the question asked but the person who is asking is not listening for the answer. We have a class to get too. We need to make that appointment. We need to get home to watch my favorite show. How often are those simple words used for greeting as a hallow reply is given, so both people may continue on. I am well. I am good. I can not complain.

How are you?

A simple question to ask a stranger walking by. How often is the question asked and we do not stop walking to wait but to continue walking hoping the reply will find us a few feet away because we are in a hurry. Thus, we are telling people we do not have time for you. You are not important enough for me to stop. You hold no value to me. You are someone I don't even know and I can not remember your name but I will greet you and keep walking on my path.

How are you?

A simple question to ask anyone who walks past you. How often is the question asked and no eye contact is given. we are telling that person I am here but my eyes are facing the direction I want to go. We are given off non-verbally that we have no time for you. If my eyes can not connect with yours and focus on you I have better things to do.

How are you?

A simple question to ask a person who can become a friend. How often do we ask the question but our feet are pointed in another direction. A non-verbal signal that I have no time for you. My feet are pointed where my focus is and you are not my focus. Not to seem publicly pious to everyone or anyone we meet, nor to publicly display the fact we are moving our feet to point at you as if I have size 15 shoes on.

How are you?

A simple question to make the point you are important to me. You are valued by me. As my eyes connect and my feet point in your direction. I am waiting for your reply to know you better and all you need to do is answer honestly. How often are these words spoken from your lips and your direction is not on that person you have come across. The conversation could take time to create a friendship, have a good bond, or even save that person's soul or even body. Take the thought that because you stopped your day and your focus and turned to a person and non-verbal said, "You are image of God, you are a treasure and you are valued by me". You may have stopped that person from having a car accident if they would have continued on their path.

I am remember my days at Harford Community College going for my AA degree and I was tired and I just finished a class. I got to my vehicle and heard, "Adam....Adam....Yeah can you help me?" There before me was my best friend Dave. H e was rushed to find anyone and find me in the parking lot about to head home. Before I replied he told me the reason, "I need a ride home and I can not get a taxi and everyone else can not pick me up". Dave is limited in ability to drive due to his wheelchair but make no mistake he can anything he puts his mind too and most times better then me. I retorted back, "Dave, I am heading home. I am bushed". But through His charm and pleading I accepted the honor of driving the opposite direction. After laughing about our day and getting his wheelchair set up I realized my right front tire. We both were looking in disbelief. Three of the four bolts holding the tire to my vehicle were gone and the fourth one was about to break. If I would have drove 30 minutes to get home I would have had an accident and maybe lost my life depending on how fast I would be driving. But instead I stopped and focused on Dave and drove 2 minutes to his house it may have saved a life or two. Thanks Dave (as I jokingly think you sawed my bolts off)

My question to you....How are you?

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