Sunday 30 September 2012

Question of the day

I was sent a question by a friend for a simple definition or understanding of entire sanctification. How simple can a person be with such a deep compacted term?

As most of my friends know I am a movie buff from action, drama, thriller, comedy, anime, cartoons, etc... (To those who know this movie better then I do, forgive my paraphrasing) I remember a scene from the movie, "2012" where the young Monk is asking his wise elder and teacher to know what to believe. The wise teacher begins to pour tea and allows it to overflow, the young monk puts his hand over the cup to stop him. The wise teacher asks him how do you know the truth if your cup is full? As he empties the cup he looks at the young monk and tells him "now there is room".

In the same concept, how can the Holy Spirit come upon a body filled with self centeredness, egocentric,strong willed, greedy, etc...? I asked my mentor and he give me the illusion of the individual driving a vehicle and having God in the passenger seat. Keeping God close so that person can use Him as their personal servant. I am hitting a tough spot in my life God I need you now. The process begins in that individual's life when they give up those deeds and characteristics of being in control and selfishness and gets out of the driver's seat and down on their knees to be God's servant.

I once read an account of a similar process as a simple walk. In this walk or journey the person sees a cabin. It is warm and inviting, the person notices many other people walking past this cabin as if it were invisible to their perception. A humble person can see this cabin. The person walks on the porch in this process understanding their living in sin and Jesus Christ has atoned for their sins. The person fills warm compared to how it felt on the road. Never knowing the difference until walking where only a few have journeyed. The person twists the nob of the door understanding justification an act of forgiving sins. The person pulls the door towards them, a personalized action, in the belief of being an repentant believer (regeneration). The door is fully open and the brilliance of God radiates outwards as God's gracious gift of adoption becoming a child of God. The person has never experienced anything like this in their life. The life changing process of bad thoughts, and selfish characteristics are cleaned away. As the person walks inside that cabin craving to be closer to the brilliance of God they enter into Christian holiness (entire sanctification). It does not make them prefect for only Jesus Christ filled those shoes but the aim of a Christlike servant making the journey towards God.

Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me".


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