Sunday 17 February 2013

One step forward and two steps back 2

The day after the fishing trip was the workshop for the community garden. I had prepared for it as the a few days before I made a good account with a local owner and he gave us as many pallets as we wanted. Dave Avery from Diabetes Projects Trust and Gardens4health was my guest speaker for the event. He came and helped me days before transport the pallets by renting a van. It was a blessing to find a way to move all the pallets we needed over but it was up to Dave and I to load and unload them.

On the day of the actual event I got to the Church early like usual for me. I start to prepare as I would have breaking the youth up into groups. One group to break down the pallets, another group digging around the community garden, another group working on creating compost bins, and another group working on creating a worm bed. I had everything ready to go and now it was time for me to have patience...

As 10:00am came the start of the event no one showed. I stood next to Dave as we were breaking down some pallets to use as examples as his wife helped take the nails out of the stripes taken from them. One new member of the Church came walking around the corner as he lives locally and was geared to help in anyway. A man I recently met who came to my youth night, he recently came to New Zealand to learn flight training to take the skill back to his country in Papa New Guinea. The four of us continued the work ahead as we waited, however, neither congregation came and the day found its only workers to be the ones already on the Church grounds.

Embarrassment and frustration set in as I worked knowing I can not do the work of many but I will do as much as I can. Born and raised on a beef farm I learned hard work and it has been ingrained in my being and soon enough I will be back out there at the garden digging and hammering because the job is not done. This is but a moment to look at and remind me that ministry can be tough but noting easy is worthy doing. We must continue to stand and reach out to those broken and lost even if I am the only one standing. I know where I stand is firm ground because of my faith in my Lord.

The harvest is ready but the workers are few.


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