Friday 2 November 2012

Reflection #4

I was thinking and often when I do I start driving deeper into the thoughts that are already there. I thought about a idea in my head that I have spoken about many times before. God gives us freedom but remains in control. How is that possible right? When I was younger my parents had me going to a Church that believed in predestination. The idea that God has planned out everything for you and what you are doing is planned by Him. If that were the case then why have Adam and Eve break away from Him in their immature finite existence. If that is the case why even bring His son to our existence?
In the same sense of how can I with my finite mind even glimpse into the reality of God's thoughts.
The moment I wake I am allowed to breath. That breath is not mine to claim but it is God's breath giving me life. The first decision comes to stay in bed or get up. The next choice is to get dressed. The next a shower. The next my hair and teeth. The next the proper clothes to wear for the day. The next devotion. Then the day continues as my choices lead me to many places. By writing out the different choices I make in just a minutes I am also going to use them as the example of God's freedom.

I am created by God. But I am not a robot. I am capable of of sincere love for God. In my perspective I can buy a toy robot and have it do everything I want and it can walk close to me with its arms extended similar to a hug. But it is only artificial love. God has given humanity freedom and with that came choice. The decision to choose from the light or the dark, or inside instead of being outside. By giving us choice we are complex finite creatures capable of sincere love in a life filled with diversity. God loves diversity. In the sight of New Zealand landscape it can be seen of the hills, mountains, forests, the many different kinds of birds and their many types of colors. I could go into the sea and find live filled with diversity from the fish to the plants. What the human race? We are diverse in our tribes, nations, and tongues. We are diverse in many cultures we create to bring together a people group.

Which brings me back to my thought of God's freedom for us to choice but still remaining in control. As each choice I wrote above there is always a different or many different decisions that could have taken place. Take for example a path that is walkable with each choice I have and choose another pathway I create. Each choose I make I create another pathway, another ripple effecting my surrounding and those individuals of their pathways. Each choice a free decision to make. God knows all these trillions of choices per person but allows the freedom for us to choose always reminding us of the main pathway to Him.

Take another example on the visual appearance of a green leaf. One main line from stem to the end of the leaf but many different branches reaching out the extent of that leaf, each branch a choice leading further out but remaining how God has intended its design. Similar to the leaf there is one main pathway but few ever choose it.

Freedom in our choices allows us the ability to love with sincerity to our Father. Each choice we make ripples in the pond of those around us. Our choice effects others and by doing many can be lead on different paths. Therefore, it is theme through out the Bible for a community of believers. A community with freedom to choose to worship and praise together in diversity of our creation in the acknowledgment of our finite minds can conceive. 

I hope I have not confused you to much...:)

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