Tuesday 11 December 2012

Youth Movie Marathon

Movies for me are connecting instruments to a family unit, what I mean by that is that in my own family we used it in that way. We would work on different parts of the farm. Good work. Hard work. When it was time to stop dinner was ready. A nice hearty meal and we would all surround the television set in the living room and watch a movie. I would pick a movie that would be proper to watch with my parents. Something that would draw their attention to the aspects they enjoy in a movie. We would not speak to much but sometimes we would discuss the movie. That aspect of my own life, be it not the best way to bond in a family unit, was a way I used too. Movies meant family time with me.

I opened up the first Youth movie marathon for Takanini. The laptop supplied by someone, the projector supplied by someone else, the movies supplied by one of the youth, and speakers supplied by another youth. The event was bringing both congregations of Takanini together. The youth were excited and wanted to spend time with each other. After each movie would be a game to keep the youth awake all night and into the morning to do a youth outreach.

As Friday 6:30pm came around I got everyone together and started telling them how glad I was to see them and the plan for the night into the next morning. I started with a icebreaker and had one of our Church leaders put a play together with the youth for the coming Sunday, another outreach.

However, the speakers were missing in action. The first movie with little sound found boredom as some went out for food at the save value store across the street. I had to keep a watchful eye on the youth with the help from two amazing ladies from the Church to help me.

Through each game I recognized who were the natural leaders from the group and it was good to see them encourage everyone else. As each game brought out people's personalities I could also see the tiredness in people's eyes. The chairs were converted into beds and slumber claimed several until it was time to wake up once more for the light of the Sun revealed a new day. Some had no sleep including myself...lol. We taught them a devotion, which some did not know what that was. I sent out three groups of teens into the community to put posters of the Church's events in all the mailboxes. They walked like zombies and in groups, it was funny to see.

When everyone got back I done them we are done. Everyone can head home but not a single person stood up. I asked them why is no one moving? I was quickly replied to with the answer that they want to spend more time together have more games and learn more. It was a moment of praise to God in my eyes. We did quizzing on Bible characters and I realized the teens did not know their Bible characters...lol.

It was a great time and the second movie marathon is this Friday night.

   Pictures will be included.

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