Monday 26 November 2012

District Assembly

It is interesting how fast the weather changes in New Zealand. I went for a walk 3 weeks ago into that amazing park I have spoken about before and I chosen to walk on a mountain bike trail. Why not right? Well soon the weather changes and lightening was quite visible as thunder started roaring behind me and I found a little cover from the heavy rain. Under a few little trees I stood waiting for the rain to let up so I could find better cover as an unknown came passing by, I felt it was wise to pop out and tell him I was waiting for rain to stop or else he would think I was waiting for him. I find moments like that laughable. If you can not laugh at a situation in your life that is tough then you will be stressing for the rest of your life. As the rain lightened up I walked to another location only to have the rain come down harder and catch me in it for a few minutes until I found dry spots on the road I was taking and watch the fury of this storm. I was laughing at how I was keeping to the dry spots like I was playing hop-scotch (first I had to spell such a word). I finally got to the playground and question myself while I saw no children. I found cover in the deep trails as the rain continued and hail started to come down. Pea size hail beating down on you does get irritating like a sister constantly poking you in the same spot all the time. I walked the trails in peace and laughter. I was soaked. The rain lightened up so I started my way back to mentor's home and it started up out of spite to see me run until I could not and walk in the heaviest rain and hail of the day. I stopped at a local grocery place for the cover from the rain and waited and as the rain eased I walked the rest of the way without any rain. I got a warm shower and looked outside to see the sun out and bright beautiful day. For some reason I caught a fever and several infections to the loss of my voice to multiple ear aches.

In it all I was getting ready for the district assembly when the Church comes to together to worship and praise God for everything. It is a time where all pastors come together and we get the catch to see each other and talk about what has happened this year in our area. It is an amazing time for fellowship, for renewal, for forgiveness, for compassion, and for praising God. The first day I was there for 13 hours helping where I could and listening to what God is doing in New Zealand and how we need to be there where He is. That day was focused on the children and the youth...the Church's future and how we are teaching and molding them. The night I witnessed my youth group doing the famous Haka (Maori dance of welcoming where proud, bravery, and ferociousness is displaced).
The next day brought with it a carpooling experience because at this time I have already moved from my mentor's home to live with an amazing Korean Pastor and his wife. We listened to what had happened in the year in the district and what changes are coming for the future. I have a great respect for my mentor as his wisdom and experience is something I witness from his actions and his words. If I were a sponge I would absorb it all...(Now I am thinking of spongebob) lol. The night brought with it the focus on how the Church is not a building and how Christians are creating organic churches now. Instead trying to bring the people to the Church, we are bring the Church to the people where they are. I have agreed with this idea for years and it is good to finally see it being discussed and happening.
The next day was Sunday. I was blessed by going to the Samoan congregation, I do not understand what is not in English but my most is understood and clearly God's presence was there. After I was welcomed to eat with them. I found myself immersed into a culture that embraced my presence for the lack of understanding their language. 
I was welcomed and I felt it was good to have a communal meal with pastors and congregation as we discussed topics from theology to marriage. I had to go back to Church for the second service and when I got there I found a text message from that service they went to another change for an earlier service.
It gave me time to work on the community garden. I was taking rotting grass trimmings onto the bed as seeds are already showing growth. I noticed something different. When I had donated rocks I placed around the the first and a little bit around the second bed. Each bed is about 60 feet in length and 4 feet is width, and I realized someone has found our stones to their liking. All the large stones around the bed were gone. I started laughing wondering if the person or persons brought buckets over to pick the rocks up individually. Did he/she or they do it in the light or in the darkness with flashlights? It is laughable.

That night was the end of the district assembly and it was good to see so many people show up to praise and worship together for God. Many came to seek forgiveness and renewal to charge the spiritual battery and tears were seen and crying was heard as God's presence was felt. As the night ended pastors came together for pictures and I found myself among them. It was good to call each of them my brothers.

The lesson to be learned is to take what we are given and when we are tested...laugh. God is always with us and I know He has an amazing humor. Not because he made Simply laugh at the situation and then take a deep breath and take one step forward and continue through the test knowing He is right there with you.

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