Friday, 14 June 2013

A prayer for who we need to be

Saint Francis of Assisi wrote this prayer I want to share with you....

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace!
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

Most people stop there as the pray is powerful and reminds us we can be shining stars. But Christianity is not easy nor is it a road that is large and smooth and so he continues...

O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive;
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

I pray these words may help and remind you of the disciplined life we have with so many blessings given to us. So we may be the light in the darkness and the shining stars. Amen.

The doll of salt -reflection #6 -

I was reading my devotions today and there is a section that has words of reflection. When I read a section by Anthony Bloom in his book called 'Living Prayer' I needed to write about it.

"A doll of salt, after a long pilgrimage on dry land, came to the sea and discovered something she had never seen and could not possibly understand. She stood on the firm ground, a solid little doll of salt, and saw there was another ground that was mobile, insecure, noisy, strange and unknown. She asked the sea, 'But what are you?' and it said, 'I am the sea.' And the doll said, 'What is the sea?' to which the answer was, 'It is me.' Then the doll said, 'I can not understand, but I want to; how can I?' The sea answered, 'Touch me'. So the doll shyly put forward a foot and touched the water and she got a strange impression that it was something that began to be knowable. She withdrew her leg, looked and saw that her toes had gone, and she was afraid and said, 'Oh, but where is my toe, what have you done to me?' And the sea said, 'You have given something in order to understand.' Gradually the water took away small bits of the doll's salt and the doll went farther and farther into the sea and at every moment she had a sense of understanding more and more, and yet of not being able to say what the sea was. As she went deeper, she melted more and more, repeating: 'But what is the sea?' At last a wave dissolved the rest of her and the doll said: 'It is I!' She had discovered what the sea was, but not yet what the water is."

"...The doll knew what the sea was when she had become, minute as she was, the vastness of the sea. So also when we enter into the knowledge of God, we do not contain God, but are contained in Him, and we become ourselves in this encounter with God, secure in His vastness..."

The gradual learning of God is unending. As we start this journey we will continue to our dying day to understanding God and knowing all there is to know of God and will continue even after death into eternity.  The mystery of knowing God is the vastness of the sea to stand before Him as we know Him to be but yet still unknown before us. Each glimpse into knowing God changes our perspective therefore each time we encounter Him we learn more but are still lost in knowing all.

Like the doll of salt we must be willing to lose oneself to know who we are in the relationship with God. The craving for understanding of God allows us to give of ourselves and learn a little of Him. In my own thoughts of this story I thought of an hour-glass that has no set amount of sand nor any containment of where it is falling into for the more we learn of God we also learn there is a vastness of understanding Him.

In the same way as the doll of salt sought to understand the sea I would walk closer to God giving of myself to understand Him and His holiness. This idea is present today in the term entire sanctification. Where we give of ourselves to serve and honor God with everything we are to draw closer to Him and even unto death the journey continues in learning of the vastness of God and growing closer to Him.

I hope each of us can be as simple as the doll of salt seeking to understand the sea. God Bless.


Wednesday, 22 May 2013


Being back in Kansas City I have had time to reflect on the experiences of my life and the challenges that have come my way. I have been torn down as a person and even as a pastor many times but God is always there to help me back up.
Many of my readers know that I suffer from chronic daily headaches. Headaches that do not stop but are active every second of my life and are horrible that they want me to scream out from the pain. The medical community could not help me but decided to tell me that I am the 1% that can not be cured and walked away from me.
My headaches have plagued me for over 23 years and every day is a struggle. Yet, everyday I am blessed because I feel God's presence helping me up each time my conscious state wakes to this reality. I have learned that I am allowed to speak so many words per day before my headaches increase so often I am a  silent person. These headaches are also affected by movement for example facial expressions. In my pain I do not wear correct facial expression sometimes and people misread my intent.

In life I have been challenged, ridiculed, pushed side, and told I can not do it. I would focus and force past the pain to prove them wrong. Whatever I set my mind to I will achieve because with God anything is possible.

In ministry I have been questioned on my lack of excitement for not understanding the pain I have. I have been refused many times to do what I was called for because my headaches are weakness. A person in ministry should not have weakness?
I am often reminded of the scripture 2 Corinthians 12:9
'But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.'
Yes my headaches are my thorn in my side and my greatest weakness but God shows his strength and I will always give him the glory and honor.

Yet, I have found opposition. Through out my 8 years of being a pastor I have been torn down and told what I can not do. I will only focus on two examples for I fear if I did not this message would be lost in the words of rumblings.

The first was when I was called to co-pastor a hip-hop church in Cleveland, Ohio. I was the co-pastor, children's pastor, assistant to youth ministry, community outreach director, and sat on the board as this was a church plant on the West Side. I worked and connected to other resources and networked with other pastors as I went broke. I saw corruption in the lead position and knew it was time for me to leave but on my day of birth the leader verbal attacked me making me numb for months and questioning ministry.
God helped me back up and healed the wounds and reminded me of the call placed on my life.

The second was when I stood alone working with several congregations and helping in any area they needed as I preached. I was also the Sunday School teacher, youth pastor, community outreach, planned community events. I worked hard and connected to great resources and networked with people that wanted to see a better community. But on my last day I was told by someone I have great respect for and saw as someone I would want to be someday that I do not have skills to be a pastor, and other issues that targeted my life as a pastor. Once more torn down, but every day God is with me and helps me back up.

I know I am not alone in this opposition. God knows the work I did and the sincere love I put into knowing the people and teaching them about Him. God knows the several times I drove to help my youth and be with them. God knows the times I drove to the hospital to pray over church family members. God knows the struggles I have been through and the how much I poured myself into that ministry.

I have pushed many people away from me that try to get me to focus on the world and leave God behind. I refuse to listen and I will always listen to the call God has given to me even with my weakness. I will stand alone if need be against the opposition, but I am glad I do not have too because God is always with me. 

I hope this helps someone to know you are not alone. You have struggled against others telling you that you are not able to do it. They have wounded you and hurt you badly. I hope you know that in this reality you can do anything with God beside you. We need to forgive and seek a time for healing so when we stand back up we are stronger then before. God will never leave you nor forsake you.

We stand together.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

The longest Wednesday of my life

Wednesday, May 15th 2013...

I woke up before 3:00am and got dressed in relaxing clothes because I knew the journey before me. This started the day as I walked to the front of the house from my room I have stayed in for over five months. I walked away from that room where I found peace and quit. Where I found relaxation and entertainment in rented videos and sleep. Where I researched and studied for the time I was there. I walked away from that room knowing I will never be back to that room again, at least not in the form it was when I left.
Entering the airport I discovered was interesting as I prepared myself to give my two bags away hoping they would make it to Texas and I took one care-on with me. I filled in paperwork as the next location was Sydney. Soon I was in the plane from Auckland, New Zealand where I sat next to the emergency exit giving me plenty of leg room to Sydney.
3 Hours later I made it to Sydney and had to go through security and I was randomly picked to have another security check on me and my carry-on. I sat in my terminal and waited for the next flight to Texas for six hours and soon I was on the next plane. I was given the last seat in the back of the plane where large metal were well placed between my feet. There I stayed for over 15 hours of flight unable to hear any movie playing because the loud sound of the engine. I tried to find sleep but it kept running from me like a frightened kitten. There were several people going to Texas for the racing there and in between their little bottles of alcohol they spoke of their highlights in witnessing the racing. Their love was loud and the frightened kitten called sleep stayed away from me.
Finally arriving in Texas I had to produce my passport and my reason for coming to the USA. Then I had to go through security where after I was hand picked to have another security check done. After getting my tickets for Kansas City I delivered my two bags off hoping they would make it to Kansas City as well. I went through another security section. I got past all of the security and I had to ride a train to my terminal where I waited for four hours for my flight.
Finally I got on my last plane and flew for over hour and forty-five minutes to reach Kansas City where I walked outside and found two of my roommates. It was good to see them and I hugged them for seeing familiar faces from the sea of unknowns to me. I got my two bags and we left to find my new apartment. It was 7:20pm still on Wednesday.
I was shown the new place and wanted to get some sleep but still that frightened kitten would not come to me so my roommate and I went for my vehicle.
It felt alien to me as the steering wheel was on the left side and getting into it felt like it was new to me. As I started it up the smell of 8 month old gas filled the air around us as I drove a few hundred feet to the old apartment to get my bed and clothes. I was quickly reminded that I was driving on the wrong side of the road.
When the bed was made and the clothes were thrown to the side I looked for things I brought for my roommates to realize one of them were stolen. At least it was one of them that disappeared as those two bags flew from New Zealand to Kansas city. I laid my head down after 11:00pm and tossed and turned until waking up at 7:00am on Thursday. Finally its not Wednesday any more.

What a trip to remember.

The piha/waitakere experience

The last Monday I spent in New Zealand the District Superintendent had all the 365M students come together at His place. He wanted to show one more place of New Zealand. We first went to waitakere rangers regional park and saw the landscape as one over looks the beauty of God's creation.
We went inside and saw many Maori statures as they were detailed to the males they were created after and saw many of the native birds that live or lived in New Zealand.
We were taken to Piha and saw the breath taking iron sand shores and surf worthy waves and were accompanied by a playful dog that wanted to play fetch with anyone who would pick up his tennis ball.
We found food as people around us watched the ocean waves gently crashing onto the shores it was relaxing to witness.
The beauty of New Zealand can be breath taking. The beauty of New Zealand can awe inspiring.
The we went for a hike where my slow pace ended up losing everyone but loved the walk through the wilderness to the site of a wonderful waterfall. My legs were rubber the next few days after but the walking experience was rewarding in witnessing such beauty.
I think for me it reminded me in all the ministry I was allowed to do and all the classes I had to focus on that there was so much more in New Zealand.

A meal to remember

The weeks before I left New Zealand I was invited to dine with Pastor Kili and Pastor Ori and their wives. I was honored by their invitation as I enter the restaurant called Genghis Khan Mongolian BBQ. You grab a bowl choose your raw meat and whatever you want to put in with it and take it the contents to the chefs. As you watch as the food is cooked in front of you.

However, I was suffering from a sore throat at the time and could not eat as much as everyone else. But then I found out there was ice cream and was a good feeling for a sore and burning throat.

We talked about the ministries I was involved from preaching, Sunday School classes with 12 to 15 year olds, to helping with their events, and having their support to help me in the events and workshops I created as well.

We talked about the good times and the smiles and laughter was something I needed. I am glad through such a great night I was accompanied by such an amazing person.

I was remembered that everything I have done to bring honor and praise to God in His ministry was seen by these pastors. My brothers in Christ talked and laughed of the good times in ministry and the future of New Zealand.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Community workshop

The last big program I created for a community outreach and organized good networks this past Saturday from 10:00am to 2:00pm. This program was called 'Community workshop: life choices' it offered speakers from MSL training and MIT as well as heaps of food served by the MSL lecturer. It was a program focused on how to do interviews for employment and how to write resumes (which are called CV's in New Zealand). I worked on getting several speakers together over the course of four weeks. I had a friend print out 300 fliers for the event and had my youth and I walk the community of Takanini putting them in mailboxes the week before the event. I went to several pastors and their wives and asked them to send their youth to this event. I spoke with the youth leader in charge of the district to pass the information along. 

The day comes as I got there early and cleaned the outside from the trash left behind from people in the community. I helped clean the inside of the Church and set up tables for information booths. I created an expo where MSL and MIT would be able to reach out to the youth in the community and the Church. The food and drinks came early, six plates, and each looked amazing.

Before 10:00am two ladies from the Samoan service arrived to learn and help them for possible employment it was exciting to see their faces as they walked in. The representatives from the different institutes were already there with information about career choices on the booths I had set up for them. But as 10:00am came no one else arrived. I texted the pastors who told me they were coming and received apologies instead of we are coming. I did every kind of advertisement I could think of with limited budget but no youth showed. I walked on the streets inviting  youth I came across and over nine of them turned me down but three guys walked in for the food.

I had the program start around 10:30am as the first speaker showed her power point to the two wonderful ladies who showed up. I was greatly disappointed as I had to start giving apologies to the all the representatives. They understood and told me that now that we have created this network of contacts it can be done again. They will help out with budget and free courses to teach whatever I want them to teach to the people of the community and the Church. After lunch the second speaker arrived and we all joined as we listened to her speak of the many branches of MIT and how the different ventures the institute is doing.

The program ended early and I felt defeated with insight that I have created good networks with these people for possible expo's in the future.

We must take the good with the bad in ministry. In it all I had three ladies arrive to learn about the programs being offered and how to help them for future employment. I spoke to many youth and had one follow me the rest of the day.

It does not keep me down for long as I push forward knowing God has called me for missions but not only missions but also holistic ministry. Holistic ministry is one where it is reaching people on all levels of their lives, the pastor is literally walking along side the people to show the way. I will continue that ministry till my last breath helping people lost and broken and trying to create a better future even if it is for one person.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Easter at the Beach

This Easter time was joyous in celebration from Thursday night at Oak Tree Service (Samoan congregation) then Good Friday service at Otara Church. Saturday to the Otara flea market which lead me into being invited to a umu. A Samoan meal traditionally cooked in the ground with pork, chicken, potatoes, fruits. Sunday service from the Samoan service to the Niuean service with a feast afterwards.

Easter Monday I had the chance to go to the beach and assist in four baptism with a BBQ afterwards. It was a time of celebration for the resurrected Lord to having four children deciding to follow the Lord and give up the old ways. It was good to see their energy and their desire for this moment of dying into the old ways and coming up as a new person. A moment where their sins are washed away in the beach that motioned over them. It reminded me of the movie, 'Brother where art thou?' where the three escapees come across a baptism service and you can hear them singing, such a beautiful song.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Otara Flea Market

A place in Auckland where mixed cultures come together to buy and socialize. It is a place of fresh fruits, some I have never seen before, and items from different cultures. You can find necklaces, dresses, shoes, jangles (flip-flops), music, carpet, sunglasses, green stone carvers, American sportswear, flowers, and much more. As well as the different cultural foods as you listen to gospel, Samoan music, and sometimes even country music being spoken. You will walk across individuals who have a guitar or a speaker and hear their talent. You may even see dancers. As each Saturday morning the market opens from 6:00am to 12:00pm people come and go and you never see everything the same each time.
I have taken the time to sit down and observe the people as pacific islanders, Chinese, German, Americans, and other people groups walk through the market.
It is amazing what I see and hear and I am glad God has given me the chance to be here.

Harvest is Ripe but the workers are few

The community garden has had its ups and its downs as the past two months were the driest Auckland, New Zealand has seen in a long time. People's garden's were dying and as I had trouble watering the garden because of no outside source nor fire hose could be used. Yes, I used a fire hose to water a I tried carrying water from inside the Church to the garden but after 2 hours of doing it I became tired and the garden seemed to thirst for more.
I have pulled fruits from the garden and walked through the community creating relationships and talking with people. I would start by saying, 'hello, I am pastor of the Church of the Nazarene (pointing where the Church is) and we have a community garden and I was wondering if you would some fruit for free?'
Not everyone rushes at you after hearing the words fruit and free but several people I talked to as Wednesday I gave out carrots.
I worked on the garden as the carrots were grown to close together and struggled to survive as they twisted and turned around each other. But it was interesting to see the different designs creation can do to live.
I hope my time here does not end with garden being left by its self but continued to be the example of an outreach to the community to fight obesity and type 2 diabetes. It is an outreach to create relationships and bring families into the Church. I see a Church is not a building nor the bricks or the wood but the people. A Church that does not fight against the social injustices around them or does not help the needs of the people is not really the 'Body of Christ'.
In sharing the food from the garden I have worked hard at I have seen certain foods disappear as I hope it went to a family that truly needed it. It is an outreach to help those who are in need. I am not asking them to come to the Church but build a relationship with me as we walk together in life.

Make me a Priest

In ministry and classes a person can be overwhelmed, it is interesting that person can not be just whelmed, and as my classes increased my writing has decreased. I have been preaching in the Samoan congregation and the English congregation. I have been asked to teach Sunday school lessons and I have been doing that for several weeks as well in the Samoan service.
Lat week I spoke with my group of 12-15 year olds about the temptations of Jesus as he was tempted on three levels such as: physical, intellectual, and spiritual. The three levels we are all tempted in our lives by the evil in the world. Jesus had the chance to avoid the cross. He could have worshiped the evil and claimed domain over the earth. Scripture tells us Jesus had the command to call a legion of angels to his side at any moment. A legion consisted of over 35,000 angels. He could have shown the world that he is the messiah and avoid the insults, torture, torment, and the cross.
In the lesson plan the focus was to know scripture as the evil in the world can even quote it to their misuse of it. In a game of I called 'dress the royal priest' I found the excitement and how the youth thought outside the box.
I watched and took pictures and timed them to see how they did in comparison with each group.

Its funny of the years I have spent in ministry I have often been confused with being a monk or a catholic priest for my own singleness. I remember a conversation in 2003 where I sat in a car with a woman named Missy as she asked me why I chose to be monk. After laughing as I do, a trained deep laugh similar to a villain from a Saturday morning cartoon, I answered her in saying I am not a monk.

I see the disciplines in our life as a Christian, as a Pastor makes the world believe us to be singled out as people who refuse to be apart of the world. I chose to walk in the world and stand beside the broken, the hurt, the lost and show them I am a real person willing to live among them. I am not typical 80's Christian who thought separation and fences were a good idea. In doing holistic ministry a person needs to be there for others on all levels of their life and you can not be able to do that with a fence between you.
In saying this I taught my class the about the royal priest, Jesus Christ. It was a good time to see them understand what I was talking about and see the connection.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

One step forward and two steps back 2

The day after the fishing trip was the workshop for the community garden. I had prepared for it as the a few days before I made a good account with a local owner and he gave us as many pallets as we wanted. Dave Avery from Diabetes Projects Trust and Gardens4health was my guest speaker for the event. He came and helped me days before transport the pallets by renting a van. It was a blessing to find a way to move all the pallets we needed over but it was up to Dave and I to load and unload them.

On the day of the actual event I got to the Church early like usual for me. I start to prepare as I would have breaking the youth up into groups. One group to break down the pallets, another group digging around the community garden, another group working on creating compost bins, and another group working on creating a worm bed. I had everything ready to go and now it was time for me to have patience...

As 10:00am came the start of the event no one showed. I stood next to Dave as we were breaking down some pallets to use as examples as his wife helped take the nails out of the stripes taken from them. One new member of the Church came walking around the corner as he lives locally and was geared to help in anyway. A man I recently met who came to my youth night, he recently came to New Zealand to learn flight training to take the skill back to his country in Papa New Guinea. The four of us continued the work ahead as we waited, however, neither congregation came and the day found its only workers to be the ones already on the Church grounds.

Embarrassment and frustration set in as I worked knowing I can not do the work of many but I will do as much as I can. Born and raised on a beef farm I learned hard work and it has been ingrained in my being and soon enough I will be back out there at the garden digging and hammering because the job is not done. This is but a moment to look at and remind me that ministry can be tough but noting easy is worthy doing. We must continue to stand and reach out to those broken and lost even if I am the only one standing. I know where I stand is firm ground because of my faith in my Lord.

The harvest is ready but the workers are few.

Fishing in New Zealand

I woke up Friday morning half asleep as I knew I needed to drive soon to begin my day of going fishing. I took my jeans, my black hat, my long sleeve red shirt, and sunblock. I was out the door and saw how early it was as the sun did not even want to be up at this hour. Now years ago I worked a factory job where 4:00am was common time to start my work as we worked 12 hour days. After having the time to sleep when I want it is different to wake up earlier then excepted. This fishing trip would be the first time in my life I would be fishing from a boat. The first time fishing for snapper. The first time fishing with the Pastor from Takanini and his family. The first time to fish in the ocean. The first time to fish in New Zealand. Many first times were being broken that day. As I was still half asleep I still remembered how to drive where I needed to be. I always wonder about the unconscious state of some people as stories have proven that if someone drives to the same location many times their unconsciousness could do the same as well while they sleep. This was not the case for me as I was only half asleep, the other half was wide awake.

I drive where I needed to be and change vehicles and go from driver to passenger. Soon enough we reach the docks and I tried taking pictures but the flash would break the reality of light in the dark. I wanted to reject reality of light only reaching several feet ahead of me. If my eyes can see so should my $120 camera. However, the fact was reality could not be changed as often as it is in my own mind. Once more I found myself greeting people I have never met before and helping the packages and rods onto the rented boat. I was curious never being on a boat to go fishing would I be seasick?

As hours went by I realized I was not vomiting and therefore my stomach would be the media portrayal of seasickness. I would not be the person feeding the fish personally. It was interesting to fish in the ocean and taste the salt water as it would splash against the boat and race into the sky. I caught seven snappers but only two were keepers. The Skipper and his mate helped me with fixing my line and taking the fish off and because of that I felt I was on vacation. Of all the thousands of time I have gone fishing back home in the States here I am being helped.

As the sun was not clearly out and the clouds surrounded us for most of the day I decided not to apply the sunblock I brought with me. But at the end of the day I realized the wrong decision that was as my face, ears, and neck were bright red.

When getting back the family lined up all the fish and separated them to each family. The rest were smoked and deep fried. I had fins and one fish head where I was shown to suck out the fish brains. Not a usual sentence I would be typing, to say I was taught to suck fish brains. From my own taste buds the taste was similar to pudding called tapioca. Here are some photos so you can join me in the adventure I had:

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

District Youth Camp of 2013

The day came for the beginning of the youth camp. I was in charge of the bus so I had a list for names and payment needed for the seats on the bus. Each person got a voucher to prove they paid for the bus. Each voucher was punched to confirm their right to be on the bus.

The bus ride took over 5 hours and it seemed like forever. We finally got to the camp and the bus driver sought to turn around before letting us off. So he took the narrowest road which lead to the wharf and he had to reverse all the way back. In that time of youth and leaders looking if they need to charge off the bus or not the driver hit and knocked down on of the beams on the side of the road for protection. But God protected us and we made it back safely.

The bus driver rushed off the bus and ran into the nearest place to use the bathroom not knowing it was a normal home and he had just trespassed. After an apologetic discussion peace was once again in the arrival on camp.

I was given 13 youth with four assistant leaders. But my assistant leaders had other positions that needed their attention and I was given a tent to sleep in. Which turned out to be good because each night the singing from the boys section or the girls section was heard and I heard most did not get sleep until 4:00am.

We had many activities and games as points were goal of each game. My group were there to have fun but some would disappear, of course when it was time for us to clear dishes or bathrooms.

We had a water-slide, volleyball, a slimy ice hockey, and arts and crafts. We had water skiing, sea-biscuiting (tubing), kayaking, wharf jumping, swimming.  I do have over 400 pics but I will show you a few.
We had an amazing speaker Kenny Wade that was real with the kids and they saw that and appreciated it. It was a time where different cultures and nationalities came together as Christians. Many youth confirm the desire to give their life over to following Christ.
It was an exhausting time but it was a good time.

The First Fruits

I went to tend to the garden as it is a routine of mine now. The garden needs care, water and weeding. I may sometimes speak to the But they do not speak back me...yet!

I went and found many cucumbers and peas ready for the picking. The next day I took most of them out into the community and started greeting people I came across and telling them it was from the Church of the Nazarene and its free. A building that is not there for the people of the community can not really be called a Church. We are God's people. We are missional people. We are called to be sent out and create relationships with the lost and broken. A simple way is free fruits and it was good to see people smile to know it was for them.

God gives many blessings and sometimes it can be seen in the smiles of the people we reach out too.

The rest of the fruits went to the youth camp that was days away from beginning. 

The Car wash

The car wash was an event for the youth to raise money to go the district youth camp in Parua Bay in the Northlands of New Zealand. We had several kids on the sides of the roads with cardboard signs promoting the event. We had a rotation of kids to wash the cars that can in as people who walked by would donate. It was all by donation. We were not looking for a certain amount but willing to do the same job no matter the amount given to us. At the end of the day we had washed over 35 cars and one bicycle. We made enough for three of our kids to go on a bus to the event and pay for gas for two vehicles and to pay for the use of the water.
It was a good day and the kids were happy they came. I had all the youth stay the night before with a game night and sleep so they would not need to rush to get to Church in the morning. Everything went well with God's blessings we made it to the youth camp safely.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Treasure Hunt

What a beautiful day to have a Samoan Youth event. The Sun was out and the heat was pouring down through its rays of light. I was invited to help out this Wednesday morning with the Youth. I love walking in the park and it helps me relax a lot. It is something I need with my headaches constantly hurting me.

I parked my car at 8:30am and waited because the event was suppose to start at 9:00am. I waited and figured the event starts at the botanic garden and I was at the entrance so maybe I will walk into people I know.

As I walked I felt lead to a certain way I have never taken before and before I knew it I walked up to a couple from the youth. It was cool to know the park is over 500 acres and I walked and found the people I needed to find. See there was another entrance to the same location with a bigger parking lot, a cafe, a library, a food court, etc...

As everyone started showing up it seems many of the youth came to be a part of the Youth 'treasure hunt', the main event of searching through the park for nine areas. We played several games and broke up in groups and started our adventure.

When we finally found everything we returned back and relaxed from the sun or at least I did as my the sun loves my skin. We ate together and discussed several topics and cleaned after ourselves and called it a day from 9:00am to 1:30pm. I enjoyed spending time with the youth and they were happy to see me as well.

Monday, 7 January 2013

The Plan for the New Year in January

This month is filled with activities. As January is a down time for the country many youths have nothing to do. The Youth camp is coming up this month from 21th to the 24th. As the church does not have the budget to help our youth a fund raiser is in order.

This Wednesday is a Samoan Treasure hunt in the botanical garden which I have been invited to assist. I love a good walk and seeing the beauty of the plants there so of course I said...YES.

This Friday night the youth are coming together once more for a night of fun and games and actual sleep. For the morning we will do a car wash to help in paying for the leaders fees and the transportation up to the camp. From 8:00am to 2:00pm, hopefully it is not a rainy If the donations given help meet each of those requirements then the leftover will be used for an outing to the beach.

Next Saturday my youth and I will be going down to Hamilton to help in the work and witness project to help a fellow church in need of a good fence to bring safety to children events there.

The week after that is the Youth camp. Where I know is it 2 minutes, walking distance, from the beach. I hope everything comes together.

A Happy New Year of 2013 in New Zealand

On New Year's Eve I was invited to two places. The first was my mentor's place to celebrate the new year with him and his family and the second was with the Samoans at church from 10:00pm to 12:00am. Being I have not had time in a family unit lifestyle it was good to invest my time with my mentor.

It was good to see familiar faces arrive and speak about many topics. It showed to me how small the world is when one of the men who came had traveled through my home state...Pennsylvania in the United States. He had a short time in America and wanted to see the sights. He visited Hershey the Chocolate factory went to see the White house and many other locations on the East coast.

It was good to see my mentor's grandchildren once more and spend time with them. As the night drew closer and the clock turned first in New Zealand before the rest of the world. We celebrated the New Year together as fireworks shot into the sky.

I found it interesting to note that only three days of the year are fireworks allowed to be purchased. The most fireworks I saw since being here was for Guy Fawkes Day. When he failed to blow up Britain's Parliament in 1606 called the Gunpowder plot.

But it was a good event to celebrate with friends.

Maraetai Wharf- A Beach Day-

During the course of the Holidays I was invited to go to the beach. I thought it would be good to go and see the beauty of another part of New Zealand.

As the invite was from my mentor, I was accompanied by a fellow student and we had an amazing time spending the day with our mentor's family.

Christmas a celebration for Christ

Where pictures are moment in time, an instant of capturing that precious existence, they also speak many words.

Christmas Eve I was invited to a Samoan home where I spent some time and walked in the Totara Heights park. It was a time of rest and relaxation. As the night drew closer I went to Takanini church for the Samoan Christmas Eve event.

As my presence has been consistent in almost every service on Sunday I have been welcomed as a member. I am glad to see such a family as I am still learning the language.

As I said a picture is like a 1000 words so instead of me telling you about it. It is better for you to see it for yourself.

One step forward two steps back

It has been a while since I last wrote. I have been busy with the holiday season and finally have time to discuss the steps taken and others that have been missed.

In New Zealand it is important to point out Christmas is a time when the country stops. Stores will close and jobs will stop some times till January 11th. Therefore people get ready for this time by having parties and going on vacations or just spending time with their family.

The last event I had planned was the Carol's by candlelight which would lead into the showing the Nativity movie. It was an outreach to the community with the concept of singing outside the church to draw people in. The posters I had my youth give out at the last weekend of November showed all the planned events for the Takanini Church.

One the day of the event the helpers never came. I arrived to set up early at 5:00pm for the event started at 6:00pm to 10:00pm. As the night comes around 8:30pm the idea was to have Takanini congregation singing out into the community and asking people to join us. As I arrived early and spent time with several people walking past each told me of a party they were going too.

6:45pm I had a church member show to help me. The audio speakers for the movie were going to be provided by another member which decided not to come. As 7:30pm rolled around no other member of the church showed but my mentor and his wife.

One step forward two steps back. Revealing that events come to a stop when the nation draws closer to Christmas and no support means no outreach.

However, in the time spent in all the events that have taken place it was still a good ratio. Disappointing, but still in ministry we continue and we reach out to the broken and lost. It was time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The birth of our savior to a broken and sinful world. Even if there were but one person that one person will still celebrate his Lord's birth into the world.

As you read this please take with you that not all events go well. However, when there are two or more speaking of God His presence is with them.