Thursday 21 March 2013

Harvest is Ripe but the workers are few

The community garden has had its ups and its downs as the past two months were the driest Auckland, New Zealand has seen in a long time. People's garden's were dying and as I had trouble watering the garden because of no outside source nor fire hose could be used. Yes, I used a fire hose to water a I tried carrying water from inside the Church to the garden but after 2 hours of doing it I became tired and the garden seemed to thirst for more.
I have pulled fruits from the garden and walked through the community creating relationships and talking with people. I would start by saying, 'hello, I am pastor of the Church of the Nazarene (pointing where the Church is) and we have a community garden and I was wondering if you would some fruit for free?'
Not everyone rushes at you after hearing the words fruit and free but several people I talked to as Wednesday I gave out carrots.
I worked on the garden as the carrots were grown to close together and struggled to survive as they twisted and turned around each other. But it was interesting to see the different designs creation can do to live.
I hope my time here does not end with garden being left by its self but continued to be the example of an outreach to the community to fight obesity and type 2 diabetes. It is an outreach to create relationships and bring families into the Church. I see a Church is not a building nor the bricks or the wood but the people. A Church that does not fight against the social injustices around them or does not help the needs of the people is not really the 'Body of Christ'.
In sharing the food from the garden I have worked hard at I have seen certain foods disappear as I hope it went to a family that truly needed it. It is an outreach to help those who are in need. I am not asking them to come to the Church but build a relationship with me as we walk together in life.

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