Thursday 21 March 2013

Make me a Priest

In ministry and classes a person can be overwhelmed, it is interesting that person can not be just whelmed, and as my classes increased my writing has decreased. I have been preaching in the Samoan congregation and the English congregation. I have been asked to teach Sunday school lessons and I have been doing that for several weeks as well in the Samoan service.
Lat week I spoke with my group of 12-15 year olds about the temptations of Jesus as he was tempted on three levels such as: physical, intellectual, and spiritual. The three levels we are all tempted in our lives by the evil in the world. Jesus had the chance to avoid the cross. He could have worshiped the evil and claimed domain over the earth. Scripture tells us Jesus had the command to call a legion of angels to his side at any moment. A legion consisted of over 35,000 angels. He could have shown the world that he is the messiah and avoid the insults, torture, torment, and the cross.
In the lesson plan the focus was to know scripture as the evil in the world can even quote it to their misuse of it. In a game of I called 'dress the royal priest' I found the excitement and how the youth thought outside the box.
I watched and took pictures and timed them to see how they did in comparison with each group.

Its funny of the years I have spent in ministry I have often been confused with being a monk or a catholic priest for my own singleness. I remember a conversation in 2003 where I sat in a car with a woman named Missy as she asked me why I chose to be monk. After laughing as I do, a trained deep laugh similar to a villain from a Saturday morning cartoon, I answered her in saying I am not a monk.

I see the disciplines in our life as a Christian, as a Pastor makes the world believe us to be singled out as people who refuse to be apart of the world. I chose to walk in the world and stand beside the broken, the hurt, the lost and show them I am a real person willing to live among them. I am not typical 80's Christian who thought separation and fences were a good idea. In doing holistic ministry a person needs to be there for others on all levels of their life and you can not be able to do that with a fence between you.
In saying this I taught my class the about the royal priest, Jesus Christ. It was a good time to see them understand what I was talking about and see the connection.

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