Saturday 29 September 2012

A litte about me

I have been told I need to start blogging because my friends want to read my experiences and the ministry I have been gifted into doing. I am grateful for my friends as they encourage me onwards.
Meeting new people is always an exciting time, as the hope of establishing meaningful relationships is a good foundation for a lifetime friendship.
I was given the chance to tell people about myself and God's call on my life. In so doing reveal His design for me and the trials and struggles I needed to walk, or even crawl through to mold me into who I am.
It only makes sense to begin this first real blog with telling who I am: born on the farm I was raised well and understood hard work. We raised beef cattle, black Angus cattle, our freezer was always filled. I am the only boy in my family as I was the last of three older sisters.
I assume it was good times, I have no memory of it so I just listen to my family as they point at me and say, ' you had a good childhood'...:) I will explain why I don't remember such a wonderful existence.
I wanted to learn karate. What boy doesn't want to kick and punch and his parents feel good for their kid as they are sending their energies outward instead of bottling them up.
I was in a karate studio, which had duct tape holding down the carpet from a concrete floor. I did a hurricane kick and slipped on the duct tape. Oh how I love you duct tape for the so many things you do, but this time not so much. I hit my head on the concrete floor. The next day memories are hard to hold onto and my eyes saw dark pixels like watching a static channel on the telly. I also ended up with headaches. Worse than migraines and occurring every second of every day, I learned to be quiet. As anything that caused a vibration would hurt, I had to learn to speak with few words. My movements slurred and slowed and at some points nonexistent. I learned to listen.
God told me in not so many words that I had more to do and I began to walk in His path instead of my mine. In 2001, He called me for missions on a holistic level. I started with children ministries, then teaching Bible classes at Church. I finished my AA and then moved from the farm to Ohio for my BA and worked in children ministries.I worked for Urban Resource center on the West Side of Cleveland, Ohio. Children, youth, community outreach and events were part of my duties as I was also a children's pastor at another Church. A year passes and I am called back to Cleveland by someone I worked with and co-pastored a multi-cutlural multi-denominational hip-hop Church.
God kept leading me to help the broken and be there for others. As I felt it time to leave I worked for a few years and found God telling me to continue onward. I went to Nazarene Theological Seminary and found a program called 365M. I signed up and prayed for God's guidance and I found myself here sitting in Auckland, New Zealand at a table looking out at an amazing view. This is more information then I tell to most people about myself so I am sure a few reading this are wondering how come I never heard some of these stories. Well, I am an open book my friends but you need to turn to right chapter to read about God Bless

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